3 planetsLens | Canon 30D2008-09Moon, Mars, Mercury and VenusAurorasLens | Canon 5D Mark III2024-05“Northern” Lights from San DiegoBig DipperLens | Canon 5D Mark III2022-08Big Dipper SettingComet AtlasLens | Canon 5D Mark III2024-10Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS)Comet GarraddFSQ106 | SBIG ST-10XME2011-08Comet Garradd and M71 ClusterComet GarraddFSQ106 | SBIG ST-10XME2012-02Comet GarraddComet HolmesFSQ106 | SBIG ST-2000XM2007-11Comet MachholzComet LovejoyFS60C | Canon 5D Mark III2015-01Comet LovejoyComet LulinFSQ106 | SBIG ST-2000XM2009-02Comet LulinComet MachholzC11 | Nikon D702005-01Comet MachholzComet McNaughtLens | Canon 30D2007-01Comet McNaught (C/2006 P1)Comet NeowiseLens | Canon 5D Mark III2020-07Comet NeowiseComet NeowiseEF24-105mm f/4L IS USM | Canon 5D Mark III2020-07Comet NeowiseComet NewiseLens | Canon 5D Mark III2020-07Comet NeowiseComet SwanFSQ106 | SBIG ST-2000XM2006-10Comet Swan (C/2006 M4)Comet_LemmonFSQ106 | FLI ML-6303E2023-11Comet LemmonFalcon 9EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM | Canon 5D Mark III2018-10Falcon 9 Rocket LaunchFalcon 9EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM | Canon 5D Mark III2018-10Falcon 9 Rocket LaunchFalcon 9EF70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM | Canon 5D Mark III2022-10Falcon 9 Rocket LaunchFalcon 9iPhone 13 Pro Max2022-10Falcon 9 Rocket LaunchFalcon 9EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM | Canon 5D Mark III2024-04Falcon 9 Rocket LaunchFallstreak holeEF24-105mm f/4L IS USM | Canon 5D Mark III2023-10Fallstreak_holeManu Kea ShadowEF24-105mm f/4L IS USM | Canon 5D Mark III2017-12The shadow of Mauna Kea at SunsetMilky WayLens | Canon 5D Mark III2023-04Winter Milky WayMilky WayLens | Canon 30D2008-08Milky WayMilky WayLens | Canon 5D Mark III2019-09Milky WayMilky WayLens | Canon 5D Mark III2020-06Milky WayMilky WayLens | Canon 5D Mark III2022-08Star Party Under the Milky WayMilky WayLens | Canon 5D Mark III2018-06Star Party Under the Milky WayMoon and JupiterEF300mm f/4L USM | Canon 5D Mark III2024-02Waxing Crescent Moon and JupiterMoon and VenusLens | Canon 5D Mark III2024-10Moon and Venus ConjunctionMoon HaleEF70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM | Canon 30D2011-07Young Moon setting near the Hale 200″Moon Mecury and VenusEF24-105mm f/4L IS USM | Canon 5D Mark III2020-05Young Moon with Mercury and VenusMoon Palomar 200EF70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM | Canon 30D2012-07One day Moon setting near the Hale 200″Moon RiseEF70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM | Canon 5D Mark III2021-09Waxing Gibbous Moon RiseMoon VenusEF70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM | Canon 5D Mark III2018-07Moon and VenusMoon Venus & PlaneEF70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM | Canon 5D Mark III2018-04Moon, Venus and the PlaneMoon Venus & PlaneEF24-105mm f/4L IS USM | Canon 5D Mark III2019-12Moon, Venus and the PlanePalomar SunsetEF24-105mm f/4L IS USM | Canon 5D Mark III2018-06Palomar Observetories at sunsetPalomar SunsetEF70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM | Canon 30D2013-08Interesting sunset behind the Hale 200″PerseidsLens | Canon 5D Mark III2018-08Perseids Meteor Shower 2018Pleiades RisingLens | Canon 5D Mark III2019-09Pleiades RisingPleiades RisingLens | Canon 5D Mark III2019-09Pleiades Rising Long ExposureRed GlowEF17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS USM | Canon 30D2009-01Tent Glowing in Red LightRocket MoonLens | Canon 30D2006-06Delta IV rocket and the MoonRocket TrailLens | Nikon D702005-09Rocket Trail, Minotaur rocketSagittariusLens | FLI ML-6303E2016-07SagittariusLens | Canon 5D Mark III2017-07Milky WaySagittariusLens | Canon 5D Mark III2017-07SagittariusScope and Mikly WayLens | Canon 5D Mark III2019-07Imaging under the Milky WayScope and Mikly WayLens | Canon 5D Mark III2020-06Imaging under the Milky WaySidewalk ShadowsiPhone 13 Pro Max2024-04Total Solar Eclipse – Sidewalk ShadowsSidewalk ShadowsiPhone 13 Pro Max2024-04Total Solar Eclipse – Sidewalk ShadowsSmeared GalaxyLens | Canon 5D Mark III2019-09Milky Way Long ExposureStar PartyLens | Canon 5D Mark III2016-07Star Party Under the Milky WayStar TrailLens | Canon 5D Mark III2019-12Star TrailStar TrailLens | Canon D3002004-03Star TrailStar TrailLens | Canon 5D Mark III2025-01Star TrailStar Trails over LO2Lens | Canon 5D Mark III2022-04Circumpolar star trail over Lockwood Observatory 2Sun PillarEF17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS USM | Canon 30D2013-02Sun PillarSunsetLens | Canon 30D2006-04Sunset behind Catalina IsleTrident MissileEF24-105mm f/4L IS USM | Canon 5D Mark III2014-11Trident II D5 nuclear missileV1RC10C | FLI ML-6303E2016-09Cepheid Variable Star in M31Young MoonEF70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM | Canon 5D Mark III2020-10Young Moon setting right after a SunsetYoung MoonEF300mm f/4L USM | Canon 5D Mark III2024-06One day old moonYoung MoonEF300mm f/4L USM | Canon 5D Mark III2024-02One day old moonYoung MoonLens | Canon 5D Mark III2024-07One day old moonYoung Moon SunsetEF24-105mm f/4L IS USM | Canon 5D Mark III2020-10Young Moon setting right after a Sunset